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Developing Resilience
Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant...

Register for "Bouncing Forward: Revitalizing Communities" on September 21, 2020
This year marks the 7th Annual Trauma Informed and Resilient Communities Conference in partnership with Crawford and Erie County Systems...

Trauma from an Intersectional Perspective: A Webinar from the International Society for Traumatic St
Intersectionality has been a buzzword in the mental health arena for some time, but what does it really mean—and how does it affect the...

Evidence-Based Policing is Trauma Informed Policing
Trauma-informed care is an approach used to engage people with histories of trauma. It recognizes the presence of trauma symptoms and...

A-B-C, Women and PTSD, It’s Easy Like 1-2-3: Medical Trauma, Women and PTSD
What is PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress disorder, otherwise known as PTSD, is a mental disorder following a terrible or life-threatening...
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