Register for "Bouncing Forward: Revitalizing Communities" on September 21, 2020
This year marks the 7th Annual Trauma Informed and Resilient Communities Conference in partnership with Crawford and Erie County Systems of Care and Edinboro University of Pennsylvania with a special "thanks" going to Peace4Crawford and the Erie Coalition for a Trauma Informed Community (ECTIC) for their dedication and support of the conference.
This conference will focus on how individuals, families, and our communities can move forward after a global pandemic by redefining our “new normal,” making sense of the past, and focusing on the future. It will be held on September 21, 2020, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Featured Speaker
Bruce Perry, M.D., Ph.D. COVID19: Helping Children and Families Manage Stress and Build Resilience
Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. is Principal of The Neurosequential Model Network, LLC and Senior Fellow of The ChildTrauma Academy, a Community of Practice based in Houston, TX. He is also Professor (Adjunct) in the Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago and the School of Allied Health, College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Dr. Perry is the author of over 500 journal articles, book chapters and scientific proceedings. His clinical research over the last ten years has been focused on integrating emerging principles of developmental neuroscience into clinical practice. This work has resulted in the development of innovative clinical practices and programs working with maltreated and traumatized children, most prominently the Neurosequential Model©, a developmentally sensitive, neurobiology-informed approach to clinical work (NMT), education (NME) and caregiving (NMC).
Conference goals:
Explore the impact the coronavirus pandemic had on identifying social inequalities within systems that support children, young adults, and their families, and explore strategies for addressing inequalities within those systems.
Draw attention to local initiatives, programs, and efforts that have successfully implemented and sustained pandemic protocols and quickly adjusted daily business or service delivery to meet the needs of vulnerable populations through creative engagement strategies, building resilience, or staying connected.
Explore the importance of post-traumatic growth and coping in a pandemic through evidence-based coping strategies.
Highlight effective strategies for conducting supervision, educating others, or changing policies and organizational culture to promote trauma-informed principles that dually support professionals, educators and clinicians post-pandemic.
Discuss the importance of building resilience through effective self-care practices and post-pandemic relationship-building strategies.
Discuss ways to establish safety and security when redefining the “new normal,” and explore interventions that support individuals in mitigating the collateral damage (for example, stress and anxiety) the pandemic may have imposed.
Explore the impact of intergenerational trauma on individuals who lived through a global pandemic.
Continuing Education Units:
The Conference Planning Committee has applied to offer the following Continuing Education Credits: Please note the applications are pending approval.
Pennsylvania Certification Board (PCB) for Drug & Alcohol
Social Work (LSW/ LCSW, LPC & LMFT)
APA credits
Nursing CE: This activity meets the continuing nursing education requirements of the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing. It is sponsored by Mercyhurst University, an eligible source of continuing education (CE) for nurses in Pennsylvania
Continuing Legal Education Credits
Act 48
Points of Contact & Troubleshooting:
Attendees are encouraged to use the "live chat" feature located in the bottom right corner of the screen. Technical support is offered via chat, email or phone 24/7 through AccelEvents
For additional assistance or questions contact:
Nicole Wells, MS
System of Care Erie
Project Director
To register for the conference, please visit the registration page,