Erie County Encouraged to SEE MORE

More than100 concerned community members and professionals from across the region attended ECTIC's bi-annual community meeting on April 24, 2019 at the Scottish Rite Valley of Erie Building.
The meeting focused on the recently launched "See More" county-wide trauma awareness campaign. The campaign's goals included 1)changing the conversation surrounding trauma in the Erie community and 2) promoting resiliency in the prevention and intervention of trauma's impact.
Attendees were invited to see the role everyone has to play in creating a trauma-informed community. Community members can choose to SEE MORE when a person is struggling in life or experiences a difficult situation. People can open their eyes to the reality that trauma affects us all and SEE MORE by asking, "What's happened to them?" vs. "What's wrong with them?"
Campaign messaging was derived from the results of focus groups facilitated at the 2018 Fall Community Meeting. Campaign strategies include: brochures, flyers, billboards, print and digital ads, radio, television, car decals, and social media messaging. Stereogram (minds-eye) posters are also placed at willing organizations, businesses, and places of civic engagement.
Due to the significant prevalence and widespread impact of trauma, ECTIC hopes the campaign will encourage more empathy and awareness when interacting with one another. Each person can choose to SEE MORE for the people who call Erie home and for the community's future.
The meeting also highlighted coalition impact since the last gathering. Accomplishments included the approval of more local research to commence around diverse population engagement, updated and more comprehensive resources, and the expansion of training capacity efforts in collaboration with Penn State Behrend Susan Hirt Hagen Center for Community Outreach Research and Evaluation (CORE).
Attendees heard testimony from Carol Buckleitner, Program Supervisor at Northwestern Tri-County Intermediate Unit and David Koma, Principal at Rice Avenue Middle School around their ECTIC and System of Care Erie sponsored attendance at the 2nd annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools conference in Washington, D.C.

Pictured: Members from Girard School District, NorthWestern Tri-County Intermediate Unit 5, Erie Public Schools, Millcreek School District and ECTIC at the 2019 Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference.

Lastly, folks were challenged to become ECTIC Hope Ambassadors by pledging commitment to advance the mission of the coalition through advocacy, self-care, community outreach and partnership building. More than 70 people completed the pledge at the community meeting, including Mayor of Erie, Joe Schember, who was in attendance.
You can learn more about becoming an ambassador for hope beyond hurt here.